Here are two videos explaining the science behind what we do.


There is a wealth of information to that supports chiropractic care, here are a few examples:

  • The Bronfort report (2010), a study that shows the benefit of Chiropractic care for general musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal problems.
  • The Manga report (1994) shows the effectiveness and the cost effectiveness of Chiropractic.
  • The UK Beam Trial (2004) showed that joint manipulation alone and manipulation followed by exercise provided cost effective additions to general practice.


When it comes to a particular illness or disease the Chiropractors and staff at Align Chiropractic do not claim to "treat" anything or "cure" anything  specifically. We have people we provide care for who feel we help manage their symptoms e.g. musculoskeletal aches and pains occurring in an illness but it would irresponsible to say we "treat" or "cure" such things.

There may be certain conditions where there may be some research and case studies suggesting we can help, but there has not been many randomised controlled studies done yet in most cases. This is likely in part due to a lack of funding for such reseach in chiropractic and the suitability of chirorpactic for these type of studies.

If you still want clarity please feel free to book in for a free 15 min spinal health check where the Chiropractor can discuss things with you in person and not  by phone or email where information can be misconstrued.